

时间:2022-06-23 20:07:53编辑:未知


  IRELAND - Having grown for seven consecutive years, Irish pork exports reached 168,000 tonnes in 2015, 13 per cent higher than the year before and more than double their level in 2009.Around a third of this total headed for the UK market and Ireland also exports significant quantities of processed pig meat products to the UK (38,000 tonnes last year, including 9,000 tonnes of sausages).Pork shipments to the UK only grew at a similar rate to those to other destinations in 2015, despite the favourable exchange rate, probably an indication of UK buyers’ continuing preference for domestic product.Trade with Germany, mainly made up of sow carcases as in the UK, was up sharply, partly reflecting an 8 per cent rise in sow slaughterings. Third country trade was only slightly higher, as strong sales to China were offset by reduced exports to Japan, Korea and, of course, Russia.


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